Armed Texas School District May Have Safest Students In the Country

Argyle Independent School District staff are prepared to defend the lives of students with “whatever force is necessary.”

Argyle Independent School District is intent on protecting their students with something more effective than text message alerts, ineffective bullet shields, and doors that are easily breached. Instead, specially trained faculty and staff will be carrying concealed weapons.


It’s safe to say Argyle ISD is ready to start the school year with guns blazing. The district is on target to continue its new policy of allowing some teachers to pack heat on campus.

The posted sign on campus shoots straight, when it comes to the relatively new rule. It reads: “Please be aware that the staff at Argyle ISD are armed and may use whatever force is necessary to protect our students.” The signs are posted at all campuses within the district.

“I trust that the administrators of this school district will put my kid’s best interest at heart,” parent Lacey Fenoglio said.

Back in January, the district voted in favor of school marshals. Some Argyle teachers will act as the long arm of the law under the state’s Protection of Texas Children Act.

Gun-toting teachers must have and maintain a handgun license; pass a psychological evaluation; and undergo firearms and emergency response training.

In most states allowing faculty and staff to carry firearms on campus, those authorized to carry are required to take specialized firearms training that meets and sometimes greatly exceeds the training of police patrol officers and sheriff’s deputies that would be responding to an active shooter threat.


I suspect that if parents in hoplophobic states actually understood that Little Johnny stands a far better chance of surviving an active shooter with a highly trained teacher covering the classroom door that this sort of policy would be adopted nationally.

Unfortunately, the media is more intent in stirring up parental fears to attract ratings than they actually care about what is best for the children.


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