Where Is The Race-Baiting "Civil Rights" Community During Shaneen Allen's Judicial Lynching?

Shaneen Allen and her sons

When it comes to “justice,” it’s obvious that the only color most “civil rights” icons see is green.

Trayvon Martin was an alleged burglar interested in street fighting, abusing drugs, and dealing illegal weapons. When he was killed attempting to beat a man to death, the “civil rights” community came out in force to “seek justice.”

A photo of the illegally acquired Smith & Wesson Sigma, one of three handguns Trayvon Martin was allegedly trying to deal just weeks before his death. Image from his cell phone.
A photo of the illegally acquired Smith & Wesson Sigma, one of three handguns Trayvon Martin was allegedly trying to deal just weeks before his death. Image from Martin’s cell phone.

Michael Brown, a strong-arm robbery suspect, was shot and killed by a police officer after allegedly attacking that officer in his vehicle and attempting to take his weapon. Once again, the “civil rights” community came out in force to “seek justice.”

Michael Brown, a man the size of an NFL lineman, violently robbed a store minutes before he was shot after allegedly attacking a police officer.
Michael Brown, a man the size of an NFL lineman, violently robbed a store minutes before he was shot after allegedly attacking a police officer.

Shaneen Allen, a hard-working mother of two who legally obtained a concealed carry permit in Pennsylvania after twice being robbed by young thugs similar to Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown, made the huge mistake of going to New Jersey.

Shaneen Allen and her sons
Shaneen Allen and her sons are being “made an example of” by white anti-gun liberals.

She now faces a felony criminal record and years in prison away from her sons, merely because she crossed a state line and told the officer who pulled her over for a minor traffic infraction that she had a concealed weapon in the vehicle.

Where are the “Reverends” Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton as judges and prosecutors and gun control supporters demand that “she be made an example of?”

Where are Quanell X and the New Black Panthers and the Huey P. Newton Gun Club, who so recently marched for their gun rights in Texas?

Where is the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)?


Where is the Congressional Black Caucus?

Where is Attorney General of the United States Eric Holder, who is always so quick to launch a federal investigation at the slightest hint that race may be an factor in a trial?

Where, by God, Is Barack Hussein Obama as this young mother is “being made an example of” by the same disreputable prosecutor and judge who let a famous abuser off the hook with a slap on the wrist because he was a celebrity?

Couldn’t Shaneen Allen be Obama’s daughter? Or can only violent drug abusing criminals be the allegorical children of the Golfer-In-Chief?

Not worthy of justice? so-called "Black leaders" remain mute as white liberals attempt to railroad Shaneen Allen into prison for making an honest mistake that didn't hurt a soul.
Not worthy of justice? so-called “Black leaders” remain mute as white liberals attempt to railroad Shaneen Allen into prison for making an honest mistake that didn’t hurt a soul.

The sad and apparent reality is that most “black leaders” noted above are mere henchmen of the radical left wing of the Democratic Party, trotted out when it is advantageous to use the issue of race as a political weapon.

Down deep below skin color where the heart, soul and mind matters, they don’t care about justice in the slighest. They care about their own selfish greed, and economic fortunes, and their own political power and influence.

When given an opportunity to actually stand up for a good, honest, and hardworking mother who made the simple mistake of assuming that her constitutional rights applied in New Jersey, they have abandoned her. They have offered her up as a sacrifice. They have turned their backs on her. They have acquiesced to a judicial lynching, and have decided to treat her as a persona non grata.


They are cowards, one and all.

Law-abiding people don’t apparently matter to these race-hustlers and charlatans.

So, then, who is defending this young mother that anti-gun Democrats are so eager to “make an example of?”

It’s the “racists” in the color-blind, politically agnostic gun community that are stepping forward in her defense, including the National Rifle Association. The people stepping forward in an effort to help her that these radicals have attempted to portray as nothing but a bunch of fat old white guys. They are the ones standing up for here rights, and raising money for her defense.

It’s only in times of trouble that you learn who your real friends and allies are.

It’s also when you learn who only pays lip service to their ideals, and those people should be ashamed at how they’ve abandoned a good woman to stand on the side of criminality and injustice.

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