Holder Fled DOJ Over Fast & Furious Gun Smuggling Plot

Government Watchdog Judicial Watch is claiming that Attorney General Eric Holder has announced his resignation due to his inability to further stonewall the American people over his role in one of ten alleged plots to smuggle American guns to Mexican narco-terrorist organizations and domestic gangs in an attempt to build support for more draconian gun control laws in the United States.


Likewise, Kelly Terry-Willis, the sister of Brian Terry, a Border Patrol agent murdered with guns smuggled in one of those operations, says that she doesn’t find the timing of his resignation to be a coincidence:

“I do not find it a coincidence that Eric Holder chose now to resign after Judge Bates denied the request from the DOJ to delay the release of the Fast and Furious documents. I personally think Eric Holder was really hoping that the documents would never be made public to my family and the American people,” Terry-Willis tells Townhall. “Will we ever get the accountability for my brother, Brian, Jaime Zapata and every other person who lost their lives to the guns from this horrific scandal? I don’t know, but I have a serious gut feeling when we finally see what is in those documents….the dynamics of this investigation are going to change and hopefully the people involved are brought to justice. Eric Holder can run, but there will be no hiding. The truth always reveals itself.”

Judicial Watch had sued the Department of Justice for a listing of the Fast and Furious documents the administration is hiding under Obama’s executive privilege, and and Federal judge ruled this week that the Administration must turn those documents over:


The court ruling to which [Judicial Watch President Tom] Fitton is referring is an order by a federal judge that by Oct. 22 the DOJ must provide Judicial Watch with a listing of the Fast and Furious documents the administration is hiding under Obama’s executive privilege—called a “Vaughn index.”

“A Vaughn index must: (1) identify each document withheld; (2) state the statutory exemption claimed; and (3) explain how disclosure would damage the interests protected by the claimed exemption,” Judicial Watch noted in its press release announcing the ruling on Thursday.

Fitton said that the resignation of the “disgraced Holder” is “past due accountability for Holder’s Fast and Furious lies, and I hope it brings some solace to the family of U.S. Border Patrol Brian Terry and the hundreds of innocent Mexicans likely killed thanks to the Holder Justice Department’s scheme that armed the murderous Mexican drug cartels.”

Fast and Furious is one of ten possible gunwalking operations in five states, according to investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson.

At least one of those alleged DOJ operations, dubbed “Gangwalker,” was apparently designed to supply weapons to Chicago’s murderous drug gangs and drive up the number of gang-related homicides in that city, increasing calls for more restrictive gun control laws.


The next time you hear of someone attempting to claim that American citizens are responsible for “an epidemic of gun violence, ” be sure that you point out that the Obama Administration appears to have intentionally implemented multiple plots to smuggle weapons to criminal gangs on both sides of the border, hoping that the public would respond to their manufactured outrage with calls for more gun control.

At least 300 people have died so far as a result of Fast & Furious guns, including American citizens.

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