“YOU WANT TO (EXPLETIVE) RESIST?” NY Deputy Attacks Man For Refusing Search Over Legal Gun

Saratoga County, NY Deputy Sgt. Shawn Glans can likely kiss his law enforcement career goodbye after assaulting a young man who refused to consent to the search of his vehicle after deputies spotted an otherwise legal rifle in the back seat of the vehicle.


The stunning example of law enforcement abuse of power was caught on video.

Glans can be heard slapping the young man, who had been respectful in his conversation with the deputy, and who had tried to reason with the officers that the merely visible presence of a firearm through the window of the vehicle that they weren’t even in was not a good reason to conduct a warrantless search.

According to Post-Star, Glans has been suspended and is under criminal investigation:

A video posted online that appeared to show a Saratoga County sheriff’s officer slap a person he had stopped has led to suspension of the officer and a criminal investigation, police said early Saturday.

The video shows the officer, Sgt. Shawn Glans, cursing at the person he was speaking with, and the sound of what the videotaper alleges was a slap can be heard. Officers had spotted a rifle in the back of the parked car, according to the video.

The incident took place during an interview early Friday at the Route 9 Walmart in Halfmoon, according to Post-Star media partners WNYT-TV Newschannel 13. Deputies responded to a call about a suspicious vehicle, and found a car in a business’s parking lot with the rifle in the back seat.

Glans and another officer questioned two young men who they saw walk to the car, and a confrontation ensued when the owner refused to give police access to the vehicle.

In many instances of so-called “police brutality” involving firearms we’re discussing the shooting of someone by officers in a manner that some find objectionable or indefensible. In those instances, the evidence and witnesses typically tend to lead to the officer or officers involved being acquitted.


That was certainly not the situation here, in what appears to be a nearly open-and-shut case, thanks to the young man who filmed the disturbing encounter.

Sgt. Glans seemed outraged that the young men he stopped had a firearm in their vehicle, and that they lawfully refused to consent to a warrantless search until he verbally assaulted and then physically battered the young man who had the keys to the vehicle.

This was a physical attack because an officer didn’t respect the young man’s Second Amendment right to possess a firearm, nor his Fourth Amendment rights to against an unreasonable search and seizure.

The next uniform Sgt. Glans wears should come in orange, instead of black.

Even in the gun-hating state of New York, citizens still have the right to bear arms, and aren’t subject to police abuse for merely owning them.

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