ANOTHER GUN FREE ZONE: Three Students Injured, Suspect Killed By Police In FSU Library Attack

Police officers and EMS personnel clear the scene after an attack on Strozier Library at Florida State University in Tallahassee, Florida. The attacker was killed, and three students were injured, two seriously.

Once again, a madman picked a “gun free zone” to find victims.

Once again, it was “good guys with guns” that stopped him:

At approximately 12:30 a.m. local time Florida State University Police Department received a call about an armed subject at the Strozier Library, Tallahassee police said in a statement. On the way to the call, officers received word that one person was shot by the gunman.

The third victim was grazed, police said in the press conference. That student was treated at the scene and released.

The officers arrived at the library and located the gunman at the near entrance of the building. Officers ordered the gunman to drop the weapon, but he fired at the officers. The officers returned fire killing the man.

In a press conference Thursday morning, police assured that the shooting was an isolated incident and there is not further threat on campus.

A nursing supervisor at Tallahassee Memorial HealthCare told the Associated Press that the hospital was treating two people for gunshot wounds early Thursday. One patient was reported as critical and the other in stable condition. Hospital officials had no information about whether they could expect more patients.

Police did not say if the wounded were shot by the gunman. However, senior Sarah Evans from Miami said she was inside the library and heard a male student say he had been shot. When she looked at him, he was on the ground with blood spreading on his pants leg.

Shortly after 4 a.m., a loud tone sounded across the campus followed by an announcement that the campus was “all clear.”


The two hospitalized students are in critical and stable condition.

The following video posted to YouTube shows students huddled for cover inside the library, listening to instructions broadcast from authorities.

An eyewitness claims that a group of five responding officers from two police forces converged on the attacker outside the entrance to the library and ordered him to drop a weapon multiple times, but that the attacker was noncompliant. It was at that point a volley of shots were fired and the attacker was killed.

Classes have been cancelled for the day at Florida State.

The motive for the attack is unknown at this time.

92% of mass attacks happen in so-called “gun free zones.”

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