File this under “stuff that simply isn’t going to happen.”
Edgar Antillon, co-founder of Guns for Everyone in Westminster, known for providing free concealed carry classes, said he had filed a proposed ballot measure that would bring Colorado’s gun laws in line with its legal recreational and medical marijuana laws.
“Basically, we just want to sync up Colorado’s marijuana laws with our concealed carry permit laws,” Mr. Antillon said.
His group, the Colorado Campaign for Equal Gun Rights, needs 86,105 signatures to qualify the initiative for the ballot. While he said he would prefer to see the measure land on the ballot as soon as November 2015, it might be more realistic to wait for the November 2016 ballot.
“In 2015, not as many people show up,” Mr. Antillon said. “We might have a better chance in 2016.”
The County Sheriffs of Colorado concealed handgun permit application now asks if “you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana, or any depressant, stimulant, or narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance?”
Antillion’s state-level initiative hopes are irrelevant, because while Colorado may allow marijuana use, it is still illegal under federal law.
Do you want to take a wild guess where Colorado got the language on drug use for their concealed carry application?
They pulled it from ATF Form 4473, question 11, item e.
Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance?
States that have legalized marijuana use still run afoul of federal law regarding the use of marijuana and the ownership of firearms. You may not legally own a gun under federal law if you are a user of marijuana—even marijuana your state deems “legal”—much less carry it legally.
Yes, you read that correctly. If you smoke dope, you’ve given up your gun rights, because while several states have legalized marijuana use, the federal government still considers it a controlled substance.
All the government has to do to disarm legal marijuana users is cross reference medical marijuana card, tickets for public consumption, or DUI (marijuana) against concealed carry applications.
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