The law firm of Koskoff, Koskoff & Bieder, representing the parents of nine students murdered at Sandy Hook Elementary school and one of the wounded teachers that survived the assault, has filed a lawsuit attempting to blame Bushmaster Firearms, a distributor, and a now-defunct gun store for the December, 2012 massacre.

The firm is asserting a bizarre “negligent entrustment” case, arguing that the companies should have known that the Bushmaster XM15-E2S, (a standard AR-15 carbine) used in the murderers at Sandy Hook is inherently too dangerous for American citizens to own.
AR-15s are the most common rifle sold in the United States, and on the points of the lawsuit, indistinguishable from any magazine-fed semi-automatic rifle, pistol or shotgun. As these are the most common firearm sold, their argument is that the majority of firearms sold in America are too dangerous for civilians to own.
Their lawsuit is, in a word, absurd.
The legal absurdity of the case does not make it any less concerning for the mayor of tiny Illion, NY, however, who fears that the sympathetic nature of the case might cause it to drag on. This lawsuit could harm the local economy.
For local leaders who cringe every time Remington Arms or its products or parent company are mentioned in the news, this is just the latest in a series of events that make them fear for Remington’s already delicate and dwindling presence in Ilion.
Ten Sandy Hook families marked the second anniversary of the shooting that killed 20 first graders and six educators by filing the suit in Connecticut State Court this week. Any possible merits of the suit aside, it’s an action brought by a sympathetic grieving group and will likely be costly to defend.
None of this is good news to Ilion’s mayor.
“The long-term future — it’s been questionable here for a long time,” said Mayor Terry Leonard. “I’ve said in previous interviews after the layoffs, I’ve seen cyclical ups and downs of hirings and layoffs at Remington. But these things keep banging away at them, and it’s got to affect their long-term planning.”
Remington’s plant in Ilion was built in in 1816. It is the oldest factory for the oldest company in the United States which still makes its original products.
Two production lines and more than 200 jobs left the Ilion plant as a direct result of New York’s anti-gun Democrats ramming the draconian NY SAFE Act down the throat of the state’s citizens in the dead of night—without public debate—in response to the murders at Sandy Hook.
The village now fears that this spiteful lawsuit by Sandy Hook parents will have a negative impact on the company and it’s remaining employees.
I cannot fathom the continuing anguish that these parents are going through after that evil young man destroyed their families.
“Lawfare” blaming Bushmaster, Camfour, and Riverview Gun Sales for the actions of that evil young man, however, is vindictiveness. It is not justice.
What they are doing is wrong, and threatens the livelihoods of other families.
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