SHOT Show Headliner Bill Engvall Owns Up To "Mistake" On Gun Rights

The selection of comedian Bill Engvall to be the featured entertainer at the 2015 SHOT Show State of the Industry dinner fired up number of guns rights advocates late last month. Engvall had made statements in 2011 and 2012 that suggested his willingness to ban certain firearms.


Engvall has released a statement apologizing for those previous remarks.

“I was raised to own up to a mistake and I made a mistake when I spoke about gun ownership without knowing the facts on Bill Maher’s show. I am a staunch believer in the Second Amendment and I was wrong to stray from what I believe. I made a mistake and I own up to that. I do not believe that we need more restrictions on law-abiding citizens who want to buy any type of gun that is legally available.”

Amusingly, Engvall’s mea culpa comes at the same time that gun prohibitionist group Moms Demand Action is attempting to bully Engvalls’ fellow “Blue Collar Comedy Tour” star Jeff Foxworthy and country music singer Alan Jackson into backing out of the 2015 NRA Annual Meeting in Nashville, Tennessee.

It appears that the gun-hating ladies have overestimated their influence.

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