Anti-Gun Oregon Filmmaker Arrested After Attacking Gun Rights Supporter

William Saunderson runs the popular YouTube channel Laughing At Liberals, where he pokes fun at the hypocrisy of leftists in general and the clueless rants of gun control supporters in specific.


He posted this video only yesterday.

Saunderson presumably posted the video at some point before he was allegedly attacked and robbed by documentary filmmaker Skye Fitzgerald, after Saunderson allegedly caught Fitzgerald in a lie on camera, according to The Common Truth (our bold below):

The two were meeting at a local Gresham restaurant to discuss a preview of the film being pitched by Fitzgerald and seen by Saunderson. Saunderson was upset that the film which had been touted for his input as neutral, was in fact, anti-gun biased.

The film trailer and appeal for funding was placed on Indiegogo but has since been removed. The film content however is accurately described in the link here – OREGON DIVIDE

Details of the entire meeting and attack are included below by the eyewitness, Chris Cochran so we will not repeat them here. We will comment however; this brutal attack is just a sample of what we in the pro-gun movement has said all along. Gun owners seem to show more responsibility and restraint, while the anti-gun movement has repeatedly shown a violent streak.

The victim of this latest attack, Mr. Saunderson, is currently undergoing surgery on his left arm which was seriously (and potentially permanently) injured. His upper arm is broken in 3 places with the ball broken completely off and shoulder dislocated. The doctor says he will be lucky if he recovers 80% use.


We have no way of confirming the extent of Mr. Saunderson’s injuries as reported above, but we can report that he was transported to a hospital in the area for treatment by a private vehicle according to Gresham police.

We can also confirm that anti-violence producer/filmmaker Skye Fitzgerald turned himself in to a neighboring law enforcement organization after the attack, which was witnessed by numerous people. Based upon those accounts, Fitzgerald has been charged with felony robbery, misdemeanor theft, and misdemeanor assault. If the injuries to Mr. Saunderson are as severe as The Common Truth suggests, then it seems possible that the assault charge may be upgraded by prosecutors.

Fitzgerald is attempting a novel defense of his actions.

[We should probably note that the three people that Fitzgerald turned to on Twitter for help after attacking Saunderson are two rabidly anti-gun Oregon Democrats and a lobbyist for Michael Bloonmberg.]

I asked Gresham Police directly about this claim. There was no evidence whatsoever that there were any firearms at the scene, concealed or otherwise, on the persons of the victim or any of the witnesses.


Fitzgerald appears to have become upset that he was caught in a lie, and that his reaction was being (legally) recorded. He then allegedly attacked Saunderson both inside and outside the restaurant, and stole two cameras, then attempted to excuse his behavior with yet another apparent lie.

It is not known at this time if Fitzgerald destroyed or erased the film in these cameras before turning them in to authorities.


[film crew photo of Skye Fitzgerald from the now-ironic documentary Peace Commandos]

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