Gov. Christie Pardons Shaneen Allen

Shaneen Allen and her family

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie announced his 2016 presidential campaign pardoned Pennsylvania mother Shaneen Allen today in a ceremony that served to highlight the hysterical and oppressive nature of New Jersey’s extremist gun control laws.


Gov. Chris Christie has granted a pardon to Shaneen Allen, the Pennsylvania mother and gun owner who was arrested in October 2013 for carrying a concealed weapon into New Jersey.

Allen, a single mother of two, was stopped by a New Jersey state trooper in Hamilton Township near Atlantic City for performing an unsafe lane change. During the stop, Allen had informed the officer that she was a resident of Pennsylvania and that her home state had issued her a permit to carry a concealed handgun, which she had with her in her car that day.

But New Jersey’s strict gun laws require weapons to be stored unloaded and locked in the trunk, and so Allen was charged with unlawful possession of a firearm and spent 40 days in jail before making bail.

New Jersey is one of the least free states in the United States due to a strong Democrat voter base which values government handouts and control far more than they do individual liberty.

Allen had faced a mandatory three-year prison sentence for the unspeakable crimes of driving over a bridge from Pennsylvania to New Jersey  and being honest with a law enforcement officer.


Sadly, there was a very good chance that Allen would have gone to jail if public backlash against New Jersey Superior Court Judge Michael Donio and New Jersey District Attorney Jim McClain hadn’t been so strong. Donio and McClain came under intense fire for the way they were treating Allen as a serious criminal, after it was revealed that they put NFL star Ray Rice in a diversion program after he knocked his fiancee out and dragged her unconscious body down a casino hallway.

Sadly, Allen’s pardon is not going to inspire New Jersey Democrats to revisit their anti-gun tendencies, and it is only a matter of time before we will find another good person victimized by New Jersey’s obscene laws.

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