Elderly Future Inmate Cries For Gun Control

A woman currently under an active federal criminal investigation has once again called for gun control after a racist Democrat murdered two of his peers:

The deadly shooting of two TV journalists in Virginia again brought the highly politicized issue of gun control to the forefront — with the 2016 Democratic front-runner quickly calling for action on gun violence.

Hours after the shooting, Hillary Clinton took to Twitter, saying, “we cannot wait any longer” to address gun violence. She added that she was “heartbroken and angry” over the tragedy that resulted in the deaths of 24-year-old reporter Alison Parker and 27-year-old cameraman Adam Ward, of Roanoke-based WDBJ.

The two were killed Wednesday morning during a live broadcast at a shopping center. The gunman — Vester Lee Flanagan, a former employee of the TV station — used social media to show video of the shooting. Flanagan reportedly shot himself while being pursued by police on the highway and died Wednesday afternoon.

Clinton has made gun control a theme in her campaign. She’s repeatedly called on lawmakers to take on the gun lobby at events across the country.

Wednesday afternoon, Clinton elaborated on her stance while speaking to reporters at a campaign stop in Iowa. “We have got to do something about gun violence in America, and I will take it on,” Clinton said. “I feel just great heartache at what happened, and I want to reiterate how important [it is that] we not let another terrible instance go by without trying to do something more to prevent this incredible killing that is stalking our country.”


Hillary—being Hillary—is lying.

As Charles C.W. Cooke notes at National Review Online, violent crime has plummeted, even as gun ownership is at an all-time high both in terms of the number of guns in circulation, and in the total number of gun owners. Both of these numbers inch higher to create new records on a daily basis, and there are now well over 12 million Americans with concealed carry permits.

I sincerely hope that anti-gun Democrats push for gun control as hard as they can going into 2016. It would be wonderful to have a filibuster-proof Senate to go along with a larger Republican majority in the the House of Representatives and the White House.

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