Oregon College Attack Survivors, Families Are AGAINST Gun Control

Two female survivors and the family of one of the victims of the Umpqua Community College attack have come out stridently against gun control in the wake of the attack on the community college by a misfit fellow student* who committed suicide when men with guns showed up.


Cheyeanne Fitzgerald, 16, was badly wounded during Oregon shootings when a classmate opened fire, but neither she not her family want to lose their liberties in a knee-jerk “we must do something!” rush to pass gun control laws.

A teenager who was shot in the back during the Umpqua College shootings on Thursday has said she is still in favor of gun ownership – despite her narrow escape.

Cheyeanne Fitzgerald, 16, remains critically ill in hospital following an operation to remove one of her kidneys but her brother Jesse, speaking exclusively to DailyMail.com outside the Mercy Medical Center in Roseburg, says she is beginning to improve.

He also revealed that the family have discussed the issue of gun ownership and said that all – including Cheyeanne – remain opposed to controls.

‘We’re pro second amendment, pro guns,’ said Jesse. ‘My sister, my mother, my whole family are all in favor. We were talking about it in the hospital and none of us have changed our minds.’

The family of Quinn Cooper, who was killed in the attack, is also stridently against using the incident to infringe upon our rights.

In a statement released on Friday, his grieving family said their lives were ‘shattered beyond repair’ but said Quinn’s death should not be used as a means of advancing arguments in favour of gun control.

‘We are hearing so many people talk about gun control and taking people’s guns away,’ they said.

‘If the public couldn’t have guns it wouldn’t help since sick people like this will always be able to get their hands on a gun.

‘We need to be able to protect ourselves as a community and as a nation. Please don’t let this horrible act of insanity become about who should or shouldn’t have a gun.

‘Please remember the victims and their families. Please remember Quinn.’


Shelby Wambolt, who surrived the attack which killed friends and fellow students, also disagrees with calls for more gun control.

But Ms Wambolt said calls by President Obama for tighter regulations on gun ownership were misguided.

She said: “I know Obama got on the air and talked about gun control and I really don’t believe gun control is the problem.”

“What I’m hearing is that he (the gunman) did have mental illness and some issues but our town doesn’t have a lot of avenues for people who have mental illness.


 * Bearing Arms does not publish the names of mass or spree killers. 

They do not deserve the fame/infamy they seek.

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