Gun Control Supporters Push for Democrats To Veer Far Left In Opening Debate

Tonight’s Democrat debate on CNN isn’t expected to have much in the way of controvery as the candidates all see how far they can tack left to appeal to the radical progressive fringe, but that’s just not going to be debilitating enough for the gun control movement, who wants the candidates to alienate themselves further by taking a strong stand on gun control in the very first debate.


With two hours of questions and only five candidates on stage, the Democratic presidential candidates have spent the past few weeks preparing to field questions on almost every major political subject imaginable.

But one issue suddenly looms large over the first Democratic presidential debate: gun control.

A spate of deadly mass shootings, including one less than two weeks ago in Oregon, has thrust gun control back into the public consciousness. The issue has become a near-constant presence in the news media…

…Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton has released a sweeping plan to combat gun violence. The team of one of her top rivals, former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley, is constantly emphasizing his record on the issue.

And advocates are already attempting to make gun control a central tenet of the debate.

CNN, which is hosting the contest, posted a video on its Facebook post soliciting questions. As of Monday night, the two most popular responses came from two family members of victims of violent shootings, both of whom are advocates associated with Everytown.

Despite attempts by the Obama Administration and the mainstream media to undermine the right to bear arms, the simple fact of the matter is that violent crime is just half of what it was in the 1990s, even as gun ownership is at an all time high.


The fringe gun control groups pushing Sanders, Clinton, and the other (mostly irrelevant) candidates ever closer to the fringe may as well be saboteurs, and their idiot friends in Hollywood are dying to help.

Here’s a sample of the questions they want the candidates to answer.

Actress Julianna Marguilies is pushing to fix the non-existent “gun show loophole.”
Judy Gold is supposed to be an actress and comedian, and apparently is idiotic enough to think a 13-year-old can legally buy a gun.

These jokers are seriously attempting to make the destruction of the Second Amendment a cornerstone of the 2016 election, even though that assures a Democrat loss.

Are we really going to be this lucky?

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Tom Knighton 12:30 PM | March 01, 2025