D. Watkins, the mentally-unhinged Coppin State University writing instructor who wants gun owners to be shot before being able to buy a gun, is apparently due two bullets by his own criteria… and perhaps some serious prison time as well.
Black Man With a Gun author and firearms educator Rev. Ken Blanchard did some digging into Watkins’ recent past and found an article at Salon that seems to suggest Watkins is a criminal in possession of two firearms illegally bought off the streets of rabidly anti-gun Baltimore, Maryland.
Never underestimate the hypocrisy of an anti-gun rights bigot.
Literally minutes after I finished writing my previous post, I decided to read up a little more on Mr. D. Watkins. Sorting through his previous writings at Salon.com, I came upon a wonderful essay from last July entitled, “Gunplay Is All I Know.” (Though in the photo, it appears he knows little of gun safety.)
I encourage you to read the article in full, so that you can get a true appreciation for the supernova of hypocrisy that is D. Watkins. I’ll just give you a couple of bullet points…er, highlights.
“I’m not a gangster and could not care less about weapon shows or trips to a shooting range, but I have two guns.”
Nowhere in the article does he mention obtaining the state-mandated permit to purchase his handguns. That’s a crime. He also does not mention registering the guns with the state…that’s another crime. I saw nothing about his obtaining a license to own a handgun, as Maryland requires. Crime. And he also doesn’t mention getting a permit to carry, although to be fair, he does not specifically say that he carries his guns outside his home. But it is apparent that Watkins’ gun ownership is illegal and he knows it, as the article’s subtitle reads, “I’d rather be caught with a gun than without one.”
But he also explains in the article how he, as a 14-year old, he “went to Fat Hands and Naked’s crib with $300 and came out with a two-toned .45 that had a cracked safety.” He later describes carrying that gun on pretty much a daily basis. Now, I don’t know the history of Maryland’s gun laws, or when specific statutes were enacted, but I feel pretty safe assuming that when Watkins was 14, it was illegal to sell a handgun to a minor, and illegal for a minor to possess and carry one. That’s at least a couple more crimes.
According to the Baltimore Police web site, the number to report an illegal gun in Baltimore is 410-685-GUNS, and you can report non-emergency crime in Baltimore from outside the city to 443-263-2220 option 2.
Alternatively, you can report a crime to Baltimore Police via email through this contact form, or to Coppin State University Public Safety to [email protected] if you have concerns that Watkins is criminally carrying firearms on campus.
Watkins seems damned by his confession that he “owns two guns.”
It should be very simple for the appropriate law enforcement agencies to simply cross-check his name against their gun registry, and then file for a search warrant if the two guns he admitted to owning are not registered.
May justice take its course.
Bob Owens is the Editor of BearingArms.com.
Bob is a graduate of roughly 400 hours of professional firearms training classes, including square range and force-on force work with handguns and carbines. He is a past volunteer instructor with Project Appleseed. He most recently received his Vehicle Close Quarters Combat Instructor certification from Centrifuge Training, and is the author of the short e-book, So You Want to Own a Gun.
He can be found on Twitter at bob_owens.
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