Yesterday we discussed one simple way to prove whether troubled 18-ear-old Amonderez Green was killed by a Normandy, Missouri police officer, or if he took his own life as authorities alleged.
The powder burns in the wound under Green’s chin are just part of the story. The bullet recovered from his skull during autopsy was indeed a .38 Special, matching the caliber of the gun Green took from a family friend and fired several times at police after he eluded them in a chase and took his own life.
An autopsy report has confirmed that an 18-year-old black man who died after a confrontation with police in the St. Louis suburb of Normandy was killed by what appears to be a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the face.
The St. Louis County Medical Examiner’s Office conducted an autopsy on Friday on Amonderez Green, whose father and some witnesses challenged police reports that he shot himself with his .38-caliber gun after firing at police on Wednesday.
“The autopsy showed Green sustained one gunshot wound, which was located under the chin,” St. Louis County Police said in a statement released late on Friday.
“Ballistic evidence of the bullet recovered during the autopsy confirmed the round had been fired from a .38 caliber revolver,” the statement said.
Law enforcement officers in Missouri most commonly use .40 S&W or 9mm bullets, which are a different diameter, design, weight, and bullet construction than .38 Special bullets.
One anonymous and one named “eyewitness” had each claimed that Green was shot in the face by a Normandy police officer to journalists. Neither was willing to make their claim under oath.
The pro-criminal group “Black Lives Matter” had been attempting to generate social media outrage over the incident, as they have many other incidents in the past where a minority criminal died.
Normandy is just south of Ferguson, where strong-arm robbery suspect Michael Brown attacked Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson and tried to take his department-issue firearm before being killed as he attacked Wilson a second time.
Rioting resulted in Ferguson from lies told about the shooting by some who claimed to be “eyewitnesses.” The physical evidence exonerated Officer Wilson.
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