Jalita Johnson Is Barack Obama's Gun Control Legacy

Wayne LaPierre of the National Rifle Association recently excoriated President Barack Obama for calling for more gun control laws at the same time Obama is utterly refusing to enforce the laws on the books.


He was entirely right to do so.

You need look no further than the murder of Omaha Police Officer and new mother Kerrie Orozoco to see the failure of the Obama’s revolving door criminal justice system.

Jalita Johnson straw purchased a handgun for her boyfriend and felon Marcus Wheeler.

Wheeler then used that gun to shoot Omaha, Nebraska Police Officer Kerrie Orozoco in the center of her chest, just over the top of her body armor, as she was serving a warrant.

Orozoco (above, center) was a beloved member of the community she served, and coached a youth baseball team.

Officer Orozozo died hours before she was to begin maternity leave, Her newborn daughter is now motherless, her husband a widower, and her stepchildren devastated.

Jalita Johnson’s penalty for helping to facilitate this murder and other gun crimes committed by her felon boyfriend?

A slap on the wrist.

A Clayton County woman was sentenced to a year of probation for lying about the gun she purchased for her boyfriend, a convicted felon who used the Glock to kill a Nebraska police officer.

Jalita Jenera Johnson, 26, must also complete 40 hours of community service and serve 180 days of home confinement, U.S. Attorney John Horn’s office said Monday. Johnson pleaded guilty in August.

“The tragic result in this case is a stark reminder of how firearm purchasing laws are designed to protect the public,” Horn said in an emailed statement. “Ms. Johnson’s case shows that if you buy a gun for someone else and lie about it, you never know where that gun will end up or what it will be used for. Illegally bought guns not only pose a risk to our community, but any other community where the gun is ultimately taken.”

In April, Johnson bought a Glock semiautomatic firearm, a 50-round drum magazine and ammunition from a pawnshop near her Jonesboro home, according to investigators. Johnson claimed she was buying the gun for herself, but she later admitted purchasing it for her boyfriend, Marcus Wheeler. As a convicted felon, Wheeler could not purchase the gun himself.

In May, Wheeler got into an armed confrontation with City of Omaha police in Nebraska, and he used the Glock to shoot and kill Officer Kerrie Orozoco.


Johnson intentionally and willfully made a strawman purchase for a known violent felon, who then used that gun to murder a police officer.


If prosecuted to the full extent of existing federal laws, Johnson should be starting ten years in a federal prison and facing a $250,000 fine.

But Barack Obama’s Justice Department does not prosecute gun crimes and put gun criminals in jail. They cut deals to avoid the hassle of prosecuting gun crimes.

Jalita Johnson was sentenced to probation after sentencing Kerrie Orozoco to death and her daughter to a lifetime of never knowing her mother.

Tell me how we need more gun laws, when Barack Obama’s Department of Justice lets criminals like Jalita Johnson know they can all but get away with murder.

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