TrackingPoint Offers Free Rifles To Off ISIS. Sorta.

TrackingPoint is offering up 10 of their semi-automatic “precision-guided rifles” to fight ISIS in the Middle East.

Want a “free” TrackingPoint rifle? The company says you can have one, if you meet certain criteria:


If you’re headed overseas to fight against Islamic State and Al Qaeda, then one company may have a cutting-edge rifle for you – at the cost of zero dollars.

Pflugerville, Texas-based TrackingPoint is offering 10 free M600 Service Rifles or M800 Designated Marksman Rifles to any U.S. organization that can legally bring them to the Middle East for the fight against terrorism.

“It’s hard to sit back and watch what is happening over there. We want to do our part,” explained the company’s CEO John McHale, in a press release. “Ten guns doesn’t sound like a lot but the dramatic leap in lethality is a great force multiplier. Those ten guns will feel like two hundred to the enemy.”

“We firmly believe that the M600 SR and M800 DMR will save countless lives and enable our soldiers to dominate enemy combatants including terrorists,” he added.


Frankly, this is a shameless marking gimmick.

There is about zero chance of the State Department allowing these to leave the nation due to ITAR restrictions, and AR-10 and AR-15-based  weapon systems with a 2.5 hour battery life and components that may or may not be ruggedized aren’t exactly “frontline ready” anyway.

I know that a foundering company like TrackingPoint can use some free public relations, but this stunt is simply in bad taste.

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