Simultaneous Terror Attack In Paris, Dozens Killed, Dozens More Taken Hostage

Update: All of the Islamic terrorists who carried out tonight attacks in Paris are finally believed to be dead after carrying out a series of as many as six terrorist attacks in Paris. There are at least 158 fatalities.


Terrorists wielding AK-47s and hurling explosives executed at least 118 people inside a Paris concert hall late Friday night, in a massacre that followed coordinated attacks that killed at least 40 more people, rocking the French capital — prompting President Francois Hollande to close the entire nation’s borders and order a state of emergency.

French police said early Saturday they believed all of the attackers were dead but they were still searching for possible accomplices.

The carnage inside the music venue ended around midnight local time when French police stormed inside, killing three Kalashnikov-toting gunmen who witnesses said wore flak jackets as they slaughtered horrified spectators. The victims had gathered to see the American rock band Eagles of Death Metal, and a handful managed to escape to tell of the horror taking place inside where the killers shouted “This is for Syria!” and “Alahu Akhbar!” as they cut down patrons from a balcony before the band took the stage.


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Near-simultaneous explosions and gunfire have erupted in Paris as what can only be the “Religion of Peace” is busy slaughtering those dumb enough to let them immigrate en masse:


The death toll in multiple Paris terror attacks rose to at least 35 late Friday while at least 100 hostages were reported held at Paris Bataclan concert hall, the Associated Press reported.

The attacks, believed to involve two suicide bombers, included a shootout in a Paris restaurant, Petit Cambodge in the 10th arrondisement and an explosion in a bar near a Paris stadium where France and Germany were engaged in a soccer match. Simultaneous attacks are a trademark of terrorist operations.

The hostages were taken at the concert hall where the American rock band Eagles of Death Metal was playing.

Eyewitness Ben Grant said he was in a bar with his wife when the gunshots were fired and he had seen six or seven bodies on the ground. He told the BBC: “I was told people in cars had opened fire on the bar.

We’ll update this story when we have more information.

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