Christie Commission Says New Jersey Should Relax Gun Restrictions

Carol Bowne was murdered in her driveway by a vengeful ex-boyfriend while waiting more than a month for a simple permit to purchase from her local law enforcement agency. In the wake of that deadly delay, Governor Chris Christie ordered a commission to review the state’s abusive gun control laws which favor criminals over law-abiding citizens.


They have finally come to the (obvious) conclusion that New Jersey’s gun control laws are insane:

A commission created by Gov. Chris Christie to examine New Jersey’s tough gun ownership and possession laws on Monday recommended the laws be loosened to allow broader access to those seeking to carry a concealed firearm for self-defense.

The New Jersey Firearm Purchase and Permitting Study Commission was established on the eve of Christie’s presidential campaign last June.

Late Monday afternoon, the commission released its report through the governor’s office, calling on the state to “broaden … the statutory requirement that an applicant must demonstrate a ‘justifiable need’ to carry a handgun.”

Those who can can demonstrate an urgent need for self-protection “by articulating serious threats, specific threats or previous attacks which demonstrate a special danger to the applicant’s life … could obtain a carry permit if they otherwise qualify.”

The commission was created partly in response to the murder of Carol Bowne, a Berlin Township woman murdered in her driveway by her ex-boyfriend, against whom she held a domestic violence protective order, while her application for a handgun permit was still being processed.


The deeply liberal state still won’t come close to recognizing the fact that citizens have a natural right to armed self-defense, and will not revise their laws so that permits are “shall issue.”

Frankly, this commission seems to be a political creation in hopes of furthering Christie’s presidential aspirations, and if I were a New Jersey resident, I’d look upon the commission’s findings with great skepticism until they actually revise the processes by which permits are given.

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