Mike Rowe Blasts Celebs Echoing Obama's Gun Control Talking Points

Mike Rowe has long been a favorite of mine. He’s highly and intelligent and down-to-earth, and he pulls no punches. He proved it again in his reaction to hearing that the Obama Administration send out gun control talking points to celebrities, whom being good mindless progressives, dutifully parroted the lines they were given.


Mike had a slightly different response.

Hello Friends

I’ve just received a request from The White House! On behalf of The President, I’ve been asked to share some talking points directly with each one of you, regarding the need to expand background checks on those citizens who wish to purchase a gun!

Just kidding.

For some reason, I was not among those celebrities selected to assist The White House in this endeavor. I’ve since recovered from my initial disappointment, and identified three possible explanations for the oversight.

1. The White House did not ask for my assistance, because they do not believe I’m famous enough to persuade anyone of anything.

2. The White House did not ask for my assistance, because they do not believe I would tweet out someone else’s words and claim them as my own.

3. The White House did not ask for my assistance, because they do not believe I support background checks.

Rowe then went on to provide a a very detailed list of the problems with the executive actions being pushed by President Obama that utterly guts the Administration’s talking points.


Please, go read what Mr. Rowe has to say (at the link), because he’s entirely correct.

Our problems (such as they are) isn’t with a lack of laws, but is instead with laws which have been poorly implemented and supported.

If the states would provide good information to NICS, and federal prosecutors within the Department of Justice did their jobs and put gun criminals in jail, them we could quickly and easily cut into our already record-low per-capita homicide rates.

Lets get the bad guys behind bars before arguing that what we need is another law that we simply can’t enforce.

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