Donald Trump Lied About His Support Of The Second Amendment

Donald Trump can talk all he wants about his sudden conversion to being a full-throated supporter of the right to keep and bear arms.

The Ted Cruz campaign released this damning list of anti-gun Democrats and committees Donald Trump has supported.

His wallet says otherwise.

A political ad that shows a group of children playing with a Donald Trump doll accuses the Republican presidential candidate of giving money to Democratic politicians.

“Look! I got the Trump action figure,” a young boy announces, as the ad begins.

“No way. That’s huge,” another boy says.

“What does he do?” another child asks.

“He pretends to be a Republican,” the boy holding the doll explains.

“’I gave money to Pelosi, Reid and Anthony Weiner,’” the boy says. “‘Hey, Hillary, I’ll give you money to be my friend.’”

The 30-second ad now airing in South Carolina was paid for by Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz.

Fact-checking organizations went on to deconstruct Trump’s total campaign expenditures over time, and noted that overall and since 2012, Trump has overwhelmingly contributed to Republicans.

But that doesn’t excuse the the damning list of anti-gun Democrats that Donald Trump has funded.

No true supporter of the Second Amendment would donate to this list of gun control vultures who has so consistently attempted to gut the Second Amendment.

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