YEE OF LITTLE FAITH: Gun Control Cultist Gets 5 Years For Weapons Smuggling, Corruption

A corrupt California state senator famous for his support of radical gun control is going to jail for five years in yet another plea deal that allows a criminal charged with gun crimes get off with a very light sentence.


A federal district judge sentenced former state Sen. Leland Yee, a San Francisco Democrat, to five years in prison Wednesday for trading political favors for campaign contributions. He was also fined $20,000.

Yee admitted in a plea deal that he was part of a racketeering conspiracy that involved exchanging official acts for money, conspiring to traffic in weapons and money laundering. Specifically, Lee promised an undercover FBI agent favors in return for campaign contributions.

During the hourlong proceedings, Yee asked the court for leniency in light of his public humiliation, his wife’s severe illness, his admissions of wrongdoing and his past record of public service.

Yee told the judge that his crimes had hurt his family, his supporters, government institutions and the public.

Yee was busted attempting to broker a $2 million deal to provide weapons, include missiles, to Filipino terrorists.


The Obama Department of Justice routinely refuses to aggressively prosecute criminals violating federal weapons laws, allowing charges to be dropped entirely, or for straw purchasers with even multiple counts to get away with nothing more than probation.

Leland Yee should be spending the rest of his life in prison without any practical possibility of parole. That he faces just five years after attempting to supply a terrorist group is a damning indictment of the fecklessness of the Obama Administration.

President Obama cries fake tears when innocent people are killed by criminals, but when push comes to shove, he lets gun traffickers get away with a slap on the wrist.

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