What Does Hillary Know About The Hundreds Murdered With Fast And Furious Guns?

Fox News is reporting that guns smuggled into Mexico by the Obama Administration during a gun smuggling plot called Operation Fast and Furious are still taking lives and turning up at crime scenes.


The weapons from a botched U.S. firearms investigation are cropping up in anti-cartel operations in Mexico, a Justice Department summary issued Tuesday confirmed.

According to a report compiled for two Republican congressional committee chairmen, a WASR-10 rifle purchased six years before in the U.S. as part of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives’ (ATF) Operation Fast and Furious was one of three rifles used in a July 27 attack in the town of Valle de Zaragoza that left three Mexican police officers dead.

Another weapon tied to the operation was uncovered in the hideout where Sinaloa Cartel drug leader, Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán Loera, was arrested in January.

“[The ATF] and the [Justice] Department deeply regret that firearms associated with Operation Fast and Furious have been used by criminals in the commission of violent crimes, particularly crimes resulting the death of civilians and law enforcement officers,” assistant attorney general Peter Kadzik said in a Tuesday letter to Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Charles Grassley of Iowa and House Oversight and Government Reform chairman Jason Chaffetz of Utah, according to USA Today.

The letter continued: “ATF accepts full responsibility for the flawed execution of Fast and Furious, and will continue to support Mexican law enforcement in efforts to recover and identify associated firearms.”


Of course, the reality is that the ATF hasn’t accepted any responsibility whatsoever for the smuggling of more than 2,000 guns to narco-terrorists in this gun-walking plot.

Not a single ATF agent has be criminally charged for their role in the operation, nor have any been fired, or even demoted. Most were in fact laterally transferred to favorable assignments that were functional promotions. Other Department of Justice, State Department, and White House officials that must have played a role in authorizing the gun-walking plot have also never been held to account.

Hundreds of people, including elected officials, law enforcement officers, and even children have been murdered with guns smuggled over the border in Fast and Furious, one of up to ten gun-walking operations being carried out in border states from California to Florida, supplying 20,000 guns to narco-terrorists at precisely the same time that President Barack Obama, former Attorney General Eric Holder, and then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton were pushing the infamous 90-Percent Lie in an effort to manufacture an excuse to ban certain firearms.

Curiously, the very firearms that Obama, Holder, and Clinton wanted to ban publicly were the same ones that Holder’s Department of Justice was walking into Mexico by the thousands in what appears to be a concerted effort to inflate trace data by manufacturing evidence.


To date, not a single soul in the Obama Administration has been fired or criminally charged in this plot, nor has Secretary Clinton been thoroughly probed for her agency’s involvement into the scandal… or lack of it.

The State Department would have been responsible for coordinating weapon intercepts with the Mexican government as they were when an attempt to catch weapon smugglers was attempted during Operation Wide Receiver during the George W. Bush Administration. No such liaison was apparently established for Fast and Furious under Obama and Clinton.

Why not?

Secretary Clinton helped spread the “90-percent lie” even though she knew the truth that only 8-percent of the guns in Mexico could be traced to U.S. gun shops.

We also know that Mrs. Clinton is running for President on a platform of radical gun control.

It’s time that we start pressing her on what she knew about Fast & Furious, and what she’s really capable of doing—and who and what she’s willing to sacrifice—in pursuing her radical anti-gun agenda.


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Tom Knighton 11:29 AM | January 17, 2025