Choose Your Gun Banner: Trump vs. Clinton All But Certain After Cruz Collapse

Ted Cruz, the last unquestioned supporter of the right to bear arms in the major party primaries for the 2016 Presidential elections, is out of the race.

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz on Tuesday suspended his presidential bid for the Republican nomination following a crushing defeat by Donald Trump in the Indiana primary.

Cruz told dismayed supporters the path to victory had been closed.

“I’ve said I would continue on as long as there was a viable path to victory; tonight I’m sorry to say it appears that path has been foreclosed,” Cruz told a somber crowd in Indianapolis.

Cruz campaigned aggressively in Indiana, but could not overcome Trump.

The billionaire businessman has stunned the Republican Party with his appeal to voters deeply frustrated with Washington and their own party’s leaders.


The 2016 Presidential election is going to feature hardcore gun control zealot Hillary Clinton in one corner, and former gun ban supporter turned Second Amendment supporter Donald Trump in the other. The unmentioned prize in the contest is the right to determine who will fill the Supreme Court seat vacated by the death of textualist jurist Antonin Scalia, and with it, control of how Second Amendment cases will be decided for the foreseeable future.

Expect firearms and ammunition purchases to steadily ramp up in the months ahead.

Then expect that surge to escalate into full-blown panic-buying if it looks like Clinton will have the votes to defeat Trump by a considerable margin.

It’s going to be a long summer and a terrifying fall ahead.

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