Seventh in a series of a quest to find the overall best ammunition for modern 9mm pocket pistols (such as the Sig Saur P938, Taurus PT709, the Ruger LC9, Kahr CM9, Beretta Nano, Kel-Tec PF9 or S&W Shield or any other popular 9mm micro-pistol using a barrel length of approximately 3″).
In this installment, I am testing the Federal Premium HST 124-grain jacketed hollow point, part #P9HST1. This round is standard pressure, NOT +P. In this test, the ammo performed absolutely perfectly.
Note: I’m not making any claims for these videos other than that these are the results I achieved, in my own testing, from the stated pistol. I have no intention to make a blanket endorsement or indictment of any product, only to review and report what I found in a given instance. Obviously it is incumbent upon each individual to conduct their own research and make up their own mind about which defensive ammunition is best for their own purposes, in their own firearms.
The purpose of this testing is to find which rounds of ammo perform well enough from a short 3″ barrel that they can reliably deliver the penetration (with expansion) that has been documented and proven necessary in order for the bullet to be able to reach the vital organs of an attacker and deliver an incapacitating hit.
Ammo Quest: 9mm Federal HST 124 Grain Test

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