Kentucky State Senator Robin Webb is thrilled that the National Rifle Association is heading to Louisville for the organization’s 2016 annual meeting, and she’s not hiding her delight.
The weekend will truly be a once-in-a-lifetime experience. We will hear from the nation’s top political voices and a presidential nominee at NRA-ILA’s Leadership Forum. You can explore 500,000 square feet of the finest in shooting, hunting and outdoor gear at the Kentucky Exposition Center. There will be workshops and seminars, a Youth Day filled with programs created especially for our children, and a Saturday night celebration featuring country music superstar Toby Keith. The timing couldn’t be better.
She isn’t as thrilled with the Darth Sideous of the gun confiscation movement, Michael Bloomberg.
Today, we are at a crossroad. Facing terrorist attacks at home and abroad, it has never been more important that we embrace our Second Amendment right as the God-given freedom it is. That’s why it is difficult to understand how gun control groups can spend considerable time and tens of millions of dollars on an agenda aimed at destroying that freedom. Probably because neither the agenda nor money belongs to them – it belongs to former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg.
From his million-dollar apartment in the New York City skyline, the man who once tried to tell us what to eat and what to drink is trying to tell us how to defend our families and homes. I love my family. I love the home we created, the church we attend and the communities that make our nation a beacon of liberty to the civilized world. I love them all too much to leave their security to chance. But Mr. Bloomberg has a better plan – one that would leave us at the mercy of those who would do us harm.
Senator Webb is actually quite kind to Mr. Bloomberg. While she noted that his vanity project “gun safety” groups don’t teach gun safety, she avoided pointing out his raging arrogance and hypocrisy. He imagines himself to be better than us and employs numerous armed bodyguards, even as seeks to disarm you because he feels you aren’t as worthy of protection.
The National Rifle Association, founded in 1871 and reigning as the nation’s oldest and largest civil rights organization, has seen significant growth and near-record favorability ratings in recent years. There’s a strong argument to be made that the five million member organization, universally viewed as the most influential lobbying organization in the United States if not the world, hasn’t even reached its prime.
The same can’t be said for Bloomberg.
I’ll be placing my bets on the NRA.
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