Son of NJ Senate Majority Leader Wants Trump To Blow His Brains Out

Daniel J. Weinberg, the middle-aged son of New Jersey Senate Majority Leader Loretta Weinberg, is clearly no fan of Republican front-runner and presumptive nominee Donald Trump.



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The Violent May 5th post by Daniel J Weinberg was open to public view for 19 days, and though Weinberg is the son of a powerful New Jersey Democrat, no one in the media seemed to notice… or at least they, didn’t seem to care.

Shortly after Marcus Max commented on the post, noting that Weinberg was advocating for gun violence against those with whom he disagrees politically, an embarrassed Weinberg apparently made his Facebook profile private and/or deleted the violent image advocating that Republican front-runner Trump commit suicide.

Unfortunately for Weinberg, Max made screen captures first.

Daniel J. Weinberg’s mother, New Jersey Senate Majority Leader Loretta Weinberg, is among the most radical gun control supporters in not just New Jersey, but the United States.

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