Mainstream Media Shuts Down SEVEN "Fake News" Bureaus


We’ve nailed various branches of the “fact-checking” operation Politifact for lying about firearms, politicians, and gun laws on numerous occasions, and many news consumers have lost faith in them due to their implicit bias.


Now it looks as if that obvious bias is forcing them to shut down at least seven branches of the leftist fact-spinners.

PolitiFact, the national political fact-checking franchise started by the Poynter-owned Tampa Bay Times, has lost seven of its statewide partners since the presidential campaign.

Partners in Providence, Rhode Island, Des Moines, Iowa and Richmond, Virginia all discontinued their PolitiFact franchises within the last year, according to a report from the Duke Reporters’ Lab. E.W. Scripps Television Stations, which operated four statewide PolitiFact affiliates, opted not to renew its agreement with PolitiFact but has been in talks to pick it up again, Scripps spokesperson Valerie Miller told Poynter.

“Scripps had an agreement with PolitiFact through the election last year,” Scripps spokesperson Valerie Miller told Poynter. “We have been in discussions with PolitiFact regarding a new partnership based on how well we thought the partnership worked.”

Editors at the Richmond Times-Dispatch (PolitiFact Virginia) and Providence Journal (PolitiFact Rhode Island) said the decision to end their fact-checking chapters was motivated by a hard look at newsroom resources after the election.

“Seemed like it had run its course, we had lost the person who did it best locally and the commitment of time for another reporter didn’t seem worth it,” Providence Journal editor Dave Butler told Poynter. “Not a lot of traffic and on the national level we are getting fine fact-checking by the Washington Post and The AP. So that ground is covered.”


This doesn’t mean that the mainstream media will quit publishing “fake news” about firearms on a daily basis, of course, but it’s nice to see that their lies are costing them not only their credibility, but their jobs.

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