Georgia Elections Are The Key To Biden's Gun Ban Plans

How important are the upcoming runoff elections for two U.S. Senate seats? Not only will they determine who controls the chamber for the next two years, a Republican victory in at least one of the races would put a stake in the heart of Joe Biden’s plan to ban and “buy back” tens of millions of so-called assault weapons.


On today’s Bearing Arms’ Cam & Co, we take a closer look at the anti-gun records of the Democratic candidates in the Senate elections, and it’s clear that there’s a stark contrast between the Republicans running for re-election and the anti-gun challengers hoping to defeat them.

We’ll start with the special election to fill out the term of retired senator Johnny Isakson. Sen. Kelly Loeffler was appointed by Gov. Brian Kemp back in 2019, but this election will determine who will occupy the seat until 2022, when there will be an election for a full six-year term.

Loeffler is facing off against Rev. Raphael Warnock, the pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta and a longtime supporter of anti-gun efforts. As we detailed back in July when Brady endorsed Warnock in the special election, the pastor has been speaking out in opposition to pro-gun legislation since at least 2014.

Speaking at Central Presbyterian Church across the street from the state Capitol, The Rev. Raphael Warnock of Ebenezer Baptist Church said faith groups are united in their opposition to a bill that would expand carry areas to bars, churches and government buildings without security. He spoke with other religious leaders as part of the coalition Faith Voices Against Violence.

“You’ve got Baptists, and Presbyterians, and Episcopalians, and Catholics, and Jews and we all agree. That’s a miracle,” Warnock said.


Warnock didn’t get his way on the carry bill, and in the years since we’ve tragically seen what can happen when people with evil intent enter gun-free sanctuaries. We’ve also seen how that evil can be stopped by armed parishioners. Warnock, however, didn’t even want church pastors to be able to decide for themselves whether or not to allow firearms in their buildings. Instead, he would have kept it a crime to carry in a church. That wouldn’t stop anyone intent on murder, but it would put a halt to churches using members as part of their security plans.

Warnock’s now running away from his past support for gun control to the point that his campaign website doesn’t even list it as an issue. The pastor does talk about “reimagining policing” and “ending mass incarceration,” but it’s clear from his past comments that the Democrat would be happy to replace a failed War on Drugs with a War on Guns instead.

In the other Senate runoff in Georgia, incumbent Republican David Perdue will face Democratic challenger Jon Ossoff, who’s been lying his, uh, “oss” off about his so-called support for the Second Amendment for months, to the point of running campaign ads in parts of the state in which he says he’ll defend the right to keep and bear arms.

Ossoff “thinks he can get away with telling metro Atlanta one thing while telling the rest of the state the exact opposite,” Sen. David Perdue told Fox News exclusively. “This just proves he’ll do or say anything to hide his radical socialist agenda from the people of Georgia.”

An Ossoff spokesperson said the ad is “airing in the places where Senator Perdue’s inflammatory, fear-mongering ad is running to correct the record.”

Perdue’s ad said Ossoff would confiscate guns, defund the police and close Georgia’s military bases.

Ossoff, who in his own ad says he will “defend” the Second Amendment, told MSNBC last September that he was unsure if he supported mandatory gun buybacks. He did, however, back strict licenses for all semi-automatic weapons, universal background checks and argued that the general public shouldn’t have access to assault weapons.


Ossoff’s own campaign website makes it clear that his “support” for the Second Amendment is actually outright hostility towards the right to keep and bear arms.

I support universal criminal history checks for gun purchases, red flag laws to protect family members and domestic partners concerned about the mental health of their loved ones, and closing the gun show loophole.

I support a ban on the sale of semi-automatic rifles (“assault weapons”) and high-capacity magazines to the general public.

Americans who would purchase high-powered weapons derived from modern military technology should be required to demonstrate high qualification and compelling specific needs.

Most gun owners are responsible, qualified, and own weapons in good faith. However, the only objective of the firearms industry lobbyists is to drive up gun sales and enrich shareholders — even at the expense of public safety and common sense.

Do you see anything in there that indicates support for the right to keep and bear arms? If so, let me know, because all I see are attacks on lawful gun owners while at the same time ignoring violent criminals.

Joe Biden can’t get his gun ban plans through Congress without Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff, and the pair can’t win election in Georgia by being open and honest about their agenda to target legal gun owners. Both Democrats are going to try their best to appear as “moderate” as possible between now and January 5th, so it’s going to be up to Republicans and Second Amendment supporters to ensure that voters know the real truth about where the candidates stand; squarely behind Joe Biden and the most radical anti-gun agenda of any American president.


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