Take Your Support for the 2A to the Next Level with Bearing Arms VIP

Welcome to Bearing Arms VIP!

Bearing Arms VIP is a tiered program with three levels of membership.

“Bearing Arms Ad-Free” gives you an ad-free experience. No more intrusive ads clogging up your browser! You’ll also immediately notice an increase in the loading speed for the pages.


“Bearing Arms VIP” takes away the ads and gives you access to exclusive content not available to others.

Finally, there is “VIP Gold.” This membership level gives you full access to exclusive content on the entire Townhall Media network—Townhall, Twitchy, RedState, HotAir, and PJ Media—and will provide the opportunity to interact with your favorite Townhall authors and editors.

Not only will you gain access to things like live chats, exclusive interview segments, early access to stories and columns, but you’ll be helping Bearing Arms expand the number of voices you hear on the site, bring readers and viewers of Bearing Arms’ Cam & Co. to events like SHOT Show, the NRA Annual Meetings, and fun celebrations of our Second Amendment rights like the Knob Creek Machine Gun Shoot. We’ll be able to hit the campaign trail in 2020 and report on the gun issue on the road in battleground districts and swing states, as well as bring you tips and tactics from grassroots activists on how to be the most effective Second Amendment advocate you can be.

In the Bearing Arms VIP section, you’ll get access to in-depth analysis and reporting, like the commentary today that looks at the gun control bills most likely to be signed by Governor Ralph Northam now that Democrats have taken control of the state legislature, and how Virginia’s election results will matter in statewide elections across the nation in 2020.


As the editor here at Bearing Arms, I want to thank you for upgrading your experience here on the site and for supporting the work that we do to bring you the latest Second Amendment news and information.

Thanks to your support, I’m really excited about the opportunities that we’ll have to share exclusive Second Amendment-related content with the Gold and VIP members of the website.

I’m always open to suggestions as well, so if there’s something you’d like to see made available to subscribers, drop me an email at [email protected] and let me know. Thanks again for your support, and enjoy the upgrade!

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