Texas County Of 500,000 Now A Second Amendment Sanctuary

I wrote a piece earlier today about the Second Amendment Sanctuary movement in Virginia, where three counties in the past week have adopted resolutions that state their intent not spend county funds to enforce unconstitutional gun laws. While those of us who live in Virginia are just getting started and have five counties in the state at the moment that have adopted those resolutions, the state of Texas is showing us how it’s done. The Lone Star State now has at least a dozen counties standing for the right to keep and bear arms after two more counties voted Tuesday to approve their own resolutions.


Commissioners in Montgomery County, Texas voiced their support for a Second Amendment Sanctuary resolution in front of a big crowd of attendees.

Commissioner Charlie Riley authored the resolution and said its purpose was to not restrict a gun owner’s right to bear arms.

“Montgomery County is a firm believer in the Second Amendment,” Riley said. “We are a strong believer in that and we are not willing to let someone tell us that we need to confiscate guns, or to inventory ammunition or county how many people have ammunition or how many people have got guns. We believe we have a right to keep and bear arms and the Second Amendment gives that right, and that’s what we believe in.”

Montgomery County is the most populous county in Texas to adopt the resolution to date. The suburb north of Houston boasts more than 500,000 residents, and is a sign that the resolutions aren’t just popular in less populated rural areas of the country.

Commissioner Riley proposed the resolution in Montgomery County, and he told KTRK-TV before the vote that it’s a proactive move in response to the push for gun control at the federal level.

“We don’t want anybody infringing our rights,” said Riley. “I think there’s a movement throughout the country for more gun laws, stricter gun laws and maybe even confiscating guns.”

He proposed a resolution to make Montgomery County a gun sanctuary. Commissioners Court will vote on the measure Tuesday.

“It tells folks that we support gun rights and we support the people here in Montgomery County that want to keep their gun rights,” Riley said.

Riley added he and his staff have been working on the resolution for six months, but the process was sped up about two months ago.


It was about two months ago that Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke declared that “hell yes” he was coming for your guns. Even with O’Rourke now a former candidate, Riley says the stakes are high enough that it’s time to take a stand.

“There’s not a Democratic candidate that has run for office in the last so many years that has not said something about stricter gun laws or taking guns away from folks,” Riley said. “I don’t want any of our country resources or funds or infrastructure to be used to do that and that’s what we’re doing in this resolution.”

Wood County commissioners, in the northeastern part of the state, also made their support official Tuesday morning.

Under the new resolution, it states money and resources would no longer be spent to enforce laws believed to infringe on second amendment rights.

County Commissioners Court approved the resolution unanimously Tuesday morning.

I’ve had several folks ask me what I think about Second Amendment Sanctuaries, and I’ve said before that I’m in favor of the resolutions, but now I’d like to know what you think. Are these resolutions effective, or just symbolic? Do you believe, as I do, that they could be the beginnings of a new grassroots network, or do you think these resolutions are just another example of politicians making empty promises to protect our rights? Email me your thoughts to [email protected] and I’ll share some reader opinions in an upcoming story here at Bearing Arms.




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