Thousands Turn Out To Support The Second Amendment In Virginia

How fast is the Second Amendment Sanctuary movement growing in Virginia? So fast that even as I was talking with Philip Van Cleave of the Virginia Citizens Defense League for today’s show, another county in the state was adopting a resolution. More than 40 of the state’s 95 counties have adopted the resolution, with at least 20 counties signing on just this week.


Van Cleave was in Virginia Beach on Tuesday evening as the city council heard from dozens of residents urging them to introduce and support a Second Amendment Sanctuary resolution. In addition to the hundreds of citizens who made it inside the council chamber, there were hundreds more on the front steps and lawn of the municipal complex. That type of crowd is becoming a common sight at county commission meetings, and every county employee I’ve spoken to says they’ve never seen anything like this before.

Van Cleave and I also spent some time talking about what happens when the wave of Second Amendment Sanctuary votes subsides and the state legislature begins its session in early January. It’s absolutely critical that the thousands of gun owners who’ve been showing up for the county commission meeting make the drive to Richmond in January for Gun Owners Lobby Day.

I’m also really pleased that I had the opportunity to speak with Amy Swearer of the Heritage Foundation about the NYC gun case heard by SCOTUS this week. Amy talks about some of the more revealing exchanges during the oral arguments, and what she thinks the Court is likely to do with the case.


You can subscribe to the show at Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, and the podcast page. I’ll be heading to another Second Amendment Sanctuary vote this afternoon, and I’ll have more details on tomorrow’s show. Thanks as always for watching, listening and spreading the word!

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