Her Husband Was Killed By Her Stalker, While Gun Laws Left Her Defenseless

I’ve known Nikki Goeser for almost a decade now, and I’m really glad she was able to join me on today’s Bearing Arms’ Cam & Co. to talk about the re-release of her book “Stalked & Defenseless: How Gun Control Helped My Stalker Murder My Husband in Front of Me“, which recounts the tragic death of her beloved husband Ben at the hands of a man who had been stalking Nikki for several months.


Nikki was and is a concealed carry licensee, but left her firearm in her vehicle to comply with Tennessee state law while she and her husband were working at a local bar with their karaoke business. Her stalker didn’t care about violating that provision the Tennessee code, nor the prohibition on homicide, because he brought a gun into that gun-free zone and shot Nikki’s husband right in front of her.

Nikki channeled her grief into activism, working to empower women to own and use firearms responsibly for their own defense. On today’s program we not only talk about her personal story and the disgusting fact that her stalker continues to try to contact her from behind bars, but the work that she’s doing as executive director of the Crime Prevention Research Center as well. It’s a raw and honest interview, and I appreciate Nikki sitting down with me.

Also on today’s show we have an update on the Second Amendment Sanctuary movement in Virginia, as well as the story of a career criminal now facing murder charges in Alabama, an armed citizen in Fresno, California who thwarted a burglary and held the suspect for local police, and a hometown hero who saved the life of a teenager stuck in a sinking car in a freezing Massachusetts river.


As always, you can subscribe to the show at Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, and Townhall.com’s podcast page. Tomorrow we’ll be speaking to Virginia Delegate Nick Freitas about the Second Amendment Sanctuary movement in the state, as well as the gun control bills that are already being filed at the state capitol in Richmond. It should be a great conversation, so be sure to check it out!

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