Three More AZ Counties Declare Themselves 2A Sanctuaries

Somewhere, Joe Biden is probably scribbling the names of Yuvapai and La Paz counties on a pad of paper, just in case he needs to send a few Hellfire missiles their way after the Arizona counties declared themselves Second Amendment sanctuaries.


The unanimous votes by commissioners in both counties means the pair join Mojave County in the state as the first Second Amendment sanctuaries, and FOX10 in Phoenix reports that the resolutions had overwhelming support from both public officials as well residents in the counties.

The Yavapai County board approved its resolution after previously hearing hours of testimony in December and January. About 120 people packed the meeting room and dozens more filled the lobby Wednesday as 25 people spoke in favor and three against, The Daily Courier reported.

Under the measures, the supervisors vowed to defend state and federal constitutional rights, including the U.S. Constitution’s Second Amendment.

The measure also said the supervisors won’t spend public money or use other government resources to enforce laws that unconstitutionally infringe on gun rights.

Many of those who addressed the Yavapai County board urged the supervisors to take a stand, arguing that laws in other states infringed on gun owners’ rights.

“We see this type of total disregard for our Second Amendment rights under attack. This is about our rights, protecting our freedoms and liberty,” Prescott resident Sherrie Hanna said.

Another supporter, Chris Kuknyo allowed that “a resolution has no teeth” but said it “sends a message to our governor and other people that we won’t tolerate it, and we will fight against it.”


While Fox 10 reports that Yavapai and La Paz counties have joined Mojave County, the White Mountain Independent newspaper says that Apache County also quietly approved a Second Amendment Sanctuary resolution in the past few days.

The declaration slipped through on the county’s consent agenda this week, which means the board didn’t actually discuss the ramifications of becoming a sanctuary county.

Presumably, it means Apache County has joined counties across the country determined to prevent the implementation of any gun control measures that make it through Congress or the state legislatures. That could include many measures broadly popular with the public like universal gun background checks, a ban on high-capacity magazines or assault weapons. It could also apply to Red Flag laws favored by Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey, which would make it easier to temporarily suspend the gun rights of people like those subject to domestic violence orders of protection…

The resolution adopted by the board of supervisors this week declares “that this Board will not authorize or appropriate government funds, resources, employees, agencies, contractors, buildings, detention centers or offices for the purpose of enforcing laws that unconstitutionally infringe on the people’s right to keep and bear arms.”


That language is substantially similar to many of the resolutions approved by over 100 Virginia counties, cities, and towns over the past several months, and it’s another sign that, even in pro-Second Amendment states like Arizona, gun owners are hoping to send a message to lawmakers that may be considering restrictions on the right to keep and bear arms. The resolutions in Arizona aren’t aimed at any specific bill or anti-gun politician, but that doesn’t make them any less important. Whether it’s a reactive move like what we’ve seen in Virginia, or a proactive move like in Arizona, these Second Amendment Sanctuary resolutions are a clear message to anti-gun lawmakers that Americans aren’t going to simply roll over and give up their rights.



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