Bloomberg Makes Debate Stage, But Gun Control Won't Be An Issue

Michael Bloomberg will appear with his fellow Democratic presidential candidates on a debate stage for the first time Wednesday night in Nevada, thanks to a new poll that shows him at 19% support among Democrat voters. That poll means Bloomberg now meets the revised debate criteria, and it also means Wednesday night’s debate will now largely be a series of attacks on Bloomberg from all the other candidates on the debate stage.


Bernie Sanders will try to use the debate as an opportunity to paint a stark contrast, not only between his brand of socialism and Bloomberg’s embrace of capitalism (though Sanders might have some fun dinging Bloomberg for cozying up to the Communist leader of China). Joe Biden will try to convince the audience that he, not former Republican Michael Bloomberg, should be the standard-bearer for the establishment wing of the Democrat Party. Elizabeth Warren, Amy Klobuchar, and Pete Buttigieg, meanwhile, will all be taking potshots at Bloomberg to remind voters that they’re still actively campaigning.

Bloomberg will likely be confronted on a number of issues, including his support for stop-and-frisk and his repeated history of comments to female Bloomberg employees, but don’t expect any candidate to target Bloomberg for his anti-gun agenda and the hundreds of millions of dollars he’s spent in a decades-long effort to strip American citizens of their right to keep and bear arms. The candidates may take issue with how Bloomberg enforced his gun control laws, but they won’t say a thing about the gun laws themselves.


On today’s Bearing Arms’ Cam & Co, we break down the rise in Bloomberg’s poll numbers and why gun owners have billions of reasons to be concerned about his candidacy, but the truth is every candidate on stage Wednesday evening is just as committed to turning your right to keep and bear arms into a privilege. Yes, Bloomberg has put a lot of money behind his anti-gun agenda, but it’s not like he ever felt the pinch in his wallet because he dug a little too deep to support his causes.

From Biden to Warren, however, virtually all of the other candidates back the same things he does; an “assault weapons ban,” red flag laws, some form of licensing laws, and allowing firearms manufacturers to be sued out of existence for the third-party actions of violent criminals. If elected, any one of them would try to do untold damage to the Second Amendment, whether through anti-gun legislation, executive actions, or even packing the Supreme Court full of anti-gun judges.

Also on today’s program we take a look at a growing problem in Bloomberg’s New York; an increasing number of parolees who’ve absconded from the terms of their release. While New York politicians like Andrew Cuomo, Bill de Blasio, and Bloomberg have law-abiding gun owners in their sights, they’re ignoring the real problems in the state’s criminal justice system that are allowing thousands of offenders to roam free.


Plus, we also have today’s armed citizen story and a heartwarming good deed from Chattanooga, Tennessee. Don’t forget to subscribe to the show at Townhall Media on YouTube, Apple Podcasts, or any of the other major podcast platforms. Thanks as always for watching, listening, and spreading the word!


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Cam Edwards 11:31 AM | October 21, 2024