Mag Bans Hurt The Right Of Self-Defense

I had a tough time titling today’s show, because we’re covering quite a bit of ground. Dr. J. Eric Deitz, who’s the director of the Homeland Security Institute at Purdue University joins me to talk about the research he and his team have done into pandemics and how to best stop the spread, but we also spent some time talking about the recent research into magazine capacity and self-defense that the HSI has been working on.


Jason Rantz with radio station KTTH in Seattle also joins me today to talk about what life is actually like in the city, where a cluster of coronavirus infections is being treated. According to Rantz, folks in Seattle seem to be taking the situation much more seriously today than just a few days ago, which is a good sign. Gov. Jay Inslee has signed an executive order that closes bars, restaurants, and entertainment options like movie theaters, thought restaurants will be able to continue to serve meals on a to-go basis.

Meanwhile, the surge in ammunition and firearm sales continues around the country, with common calibers in short supply in many locations. As we reported over the weekend, there is no issue with the manufacturing supply chain, so while restocking shelves might take a little longer based on demand, there shouldn’t be any long-term problems with availability. What we’re seeing right now is simply demand outstripping supply. Over the past week or so Americans have bought the same amount of ammunition that they usually purchase over the span of several months, so it will take some time for ammunition manufacturers to catch up.

One of the other issues that we’re looking at are the emergency declarations that are being signed in places like Champaign, Illinois and New Orleans, Louisiana that include the possible ban on transporting or transferring firearms. While no city has actually tried to implement those orders, it’s possible that we could see it in the future. On an upcoming Bearing Arms’ Cam & Co we’ll be taking a closer look at these declarations, and the likelihood of court challenges to the language dealing with the right to keep and bear arms.


In addition to today’s interviews, we also have a case of armed self-defense out of the Houston area, as well as a lifesaving police officer in Kansas City who was in the right place at the right time to save a choking middle school student.

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