Could The Supreme Court Provide Relief To Shuttered Gun Shops?

There’ve been nearly a dozen lawsuits filed by 2A organizations, gun stores, and individuals that are challenging shut down orders in states like California, New Mexico, and Massachusetts, but even in a best case scenario, it could take months for the Supreme Court to get the chance to hear one of these cases, and even longer for the justices to issue a ruling. In the meantime, we may get lucky enough to find judges that will grant injunctions against the emergency orders, but so far, that hasn’t happened. Instead, we’ve seen several judges in California uphold decisions by local authorities to declare the shops “non-essential businesses” that must close their doors for the foreseeable future.


However, the Supreme Court is currently looking at a case having to do with a New York City gun law restricting the transportation of firearms. Could the Supreme Court’s decision in that case, which is expected in June, if not earlier, provide a vehicle for the justices to offer some relief to gun store owners and Americans unable to legally acquire arms during the shutdown?

I’m very pleased to welcome Dave Kopel, research director at the Independence Institute, back to today’s Bearing Arms’ Cam & Co to answer that question and more. Not only do we discuss the potential ramifications of the upcoming Supreme Court decision in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association vs. New York City, but we also get into the growing protests and demonstrations around the country pushing for a re-opening of the economy, as well as the caselaw (or lack thereof) when it comes to courts and our constitutional rights during a state of emergency.

Check out the entire interview above, and stick around for a story about California suspects accused of violent crimes being set free without having to post a dime for bond, the Sacramento County burglar who eluded police but ended up shot by an armed citizen, and a pizza delivery driver in Frankfort, Kentucky who was in the right place at the right time to help out a stranger in need during a violent spring storm.


Thanks as always for watching, listening, and spreading the word, and tune in tomorrow when Amy Swearer of the Heritage Foundation joins me to talk about a new project to track self-defense stories throughout the country.

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Tom Knighton 5:29 PM | March 07, 2025