
VIP Gold Chat: Cam Edwards, Ed Morrissey, and Jazz Shaw - Replay Available

Coming up on Wednesday at 1:30 Eastern, you can take part in a live chat for Townhall Media VIP Gold members with myself, along with Ed Morrissey and Jazz Shaw from Hot Air. There’ll be plenty to talk about, including the recent SCOTUS case involving a New York City gun law, a Virginia judge who declared that Gov. Ralph Northam’s emergency order overstepped his constitutional authority when it ordered indoor ranges closed, and the open carry ban imposed by the mayor of Jackson, Mississippi.

Plus, you know Jazz is going to want to talk about the declassified UFO videos released by the U.S. Navy on Monday, and I’ve got a few questions of my own to ask him. I’m also looking forward to sharing hair care tips with Ed, and we may even get into some of the news of the day, the 2020 election, and anything else you want to bring up!

Live chats like these are just one of the benefits to becoming a VIP Gold member of Townhall Media, and I’m very grateful for the continued support of our Second Amendment coverage here at Bearing Arms. Thanks very much for your support, and if you’ve not yet become a member, I hope that you will.

The live chat window will appear here once we’re live, and I look forward to talking with you tomorrow.


Tom Knighton 2:29 PM | February 04, 2025