The Media's Obvious Double Standard On Armed Protesters

One of the things that’s become increasingly apparent over the past few months is that many members of our news media aren’t quite as anti-gun as they’ve made themselves out to be. Oh sure, you can still find plenty of pearl-clutching and hand-wringing over armed protesters, as long as the protesters aren’t aligned with Black Lives Matter or the defund police movement. Anything that can be portrayed as a “right wing militia” is going to be subject to all kinds of criticism, like this recent report from The Olympian in Olympic, Washington.


On June 19, 33 local public officials attached their names to a letter titled “Thurston Leaders Unite Against Vigilantism,” formally opposing “the presence of armed vigilantes patrolling our communities” and calling on business, faith, nonprofit, and neighborhood leaders to do the same.

Local faith leaders who are part of Concerned Clergy of Olympia have affixed their names to their own letter denouncing the groups’ presence, as have 68 local businesses. More than 1,800 citizens had signed that same letter in an online petition as of Thursday.

The letter from public officials specifically calls out groups American Wolf, Proud Boys, and Three Percenters.

“They have created a climate of fear for our residents, particularly residents of color, local businesses, and all who are nonviolently protesting against police brutality and centuries of racial injustice,” the letter reads. “Their presence has not contributed positively in any way to the protests.”

The officials encourage residents to research the groups to understand their political ties and “understand their intentions for our community and country.” The letter acknowledges concerns about law enforcement cooperating with “non-permitted militia activity,” calling that “unacceptable.”

Meanwhile, “left-wing militias” like the Not F*cking Around Coalition, which marched in Atlanta over the weekend, receive much more positive coverage from most media outlets. Here’s how Newsweek covered the armed protesters at Stone Mountain Park.


About 1,000 heavily armed militia, all of whom were Black, marched through Georgia’s Stone Mountain Park on Saturday, challenging white nationalist groups in the area to either come out and fight or join them in demonstrating against the government.

Stone Mountain State Park officials said the Black militia group was peaceful, orderly and escorted by police as they called for the removal of the country’s largest Confederate monument near Atlanta.

“Our initial goal was to have a formation of our militia in Stone Mountain to send a message that as long as you’re abolishing all these statues across the country, what about this one?” Grand Master Jay said, referencing the massive Confederate carving.

He added that he must commend Stone Mountain police for offering the all-Black militia support as they exercised their constitutional rights on July 4th.

“It was all Black … there were no brown people, no white people… everyone was Black. I am not a protester, I am the commanding general of my militia, we were swearing in new members,” he added, highlighting there was a second militia “show of force” Saturday near Phoenix.

Not a peep of protest from Newsweek about a “commanding general” of a private militia engaging in a self-described “show of force.” In fact, Newsweek didn’t even bother to get a comment from any gun control organization about the NFAC’s march, though it was quick to quiz the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence before the Lobby Day rally in Richmond, Virginia earlier this year that saw tens of thousands of gun owners peacefully assemble in the city’s downtown.


Similarly, when a couple in St. Louis pulled out their firearms and displayed them because they claimed to be threatened by protesters marching through their private, gated community, the national news media turned Mark and Patricia McCloskeys into household names and vilified the pair for whipping out their guns for no reason. When a Utah man was arrested on Saturday for pulling a gun and firing shots towards a group of Trump supporters, on the other hand, the national news media completely ignored the story.

Kerry Picket of the Washington Examiner joins me on today’s Bearing Arms’ Cam & Co. to talk about the blatant double standard in media coverage that we’ve been seeing, and why it’s incumbent on Second Amendment supporters to call out the media bias when we see it. The Second Amendment clearly states that the “right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” Not “some people.” Not “those people.” Not “my people.” It’s the People who possess the right to keep and bear arms, and while it was bad enough when the media opposed gun ownership for anyone, it’s actually even worse when they’ve decided that guns are okay, or at least not worth making a fuss over, as long as they’re in the hands of people they align with politically.

Be sure to check out the entire interview above, which also includes my simple advice to gun owners of all political persuasions about how to be a good ambassador for our Second Amendment rights. Plus, stick around afterwards for the story of two young men out on probation who are now facing attempted murder charges, an armed citizen story from rural Kentucky, and an Alabama police officer in the right place at the right time to save an infant’s life on the side of a busy interstate.






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