The Second Amendment Sanctuary Movement Is Back

After coronavirus closures put many public meetings on hold over the past few months, it was starting to look like the Second Amendment Sanctuary movement might have come to an end. As local governments begin to open up again, however, gun owners are back to push for pro-2A resolutions and ordinances, and are once again seeing success.


On today’s Bearing Arms’ Cam & Co, we take a look at some of the recent developments in the Second Amendment Sanctuary movement, including a big vote in South Carolina this week. County commissioners in Anderson County, S.C. voted 5-1 in favor of a Second Amendment Sanctuary ordinance (as opposed to a resolution that doesn’t carry the force of law) empowering the county sheriff to use his discretion in enforcing (or not) gun control laws he believes are unconstitutional.

The ordinance says county funds and resources will not be used to enforce any state or federal laws that the Anderson County sheriff deems to be an infringement upon the right to keep and bear firearms, firearm accessories and ammunition.

The ordinance expresses the county’s strong support for the Second Amendment to the U.S. and South Carolina constitutions, which protects a person’s right to bear arms. The ordinance also opposes any new regulations “that violate the Second, Fourth, Ninth and Tenth Amendments to the Constitution of South Carolina.”
While commissioners in Anderson County have given the green light to an ordinance with some teeth to it, other counties considering Second Amendment Sanctuary language have de-fanged their resolutions. In Floyd County, Indiana for example, commissioners did approve a measure supporting the right to keep and bear arms, but backed off the original language sought by Second Amendment supporters.

Titled the Constitutional Assurance Resolution, the measure recognizes a “higher authority” and the commissioners inability to supersede existing laws and hierarchy. It also supports the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and state and national laws.

“We only have so much authority in the state of Indiana. All three of us heavily support the Second Amendment and all other amendments,” said Commissioner Tim Kamer, sponsor of the resolution.

The resolution is similar in nature to what had been requested by Floyd County 2A, but “we’re looking at this in a much more broad, contextual manner,” Kamer said after reading the resolution aloud during the commissioner’s first in-person meeting in over three months.

One of the founders of Floyd County 2A, Greenville resident Marty Schindler, said the resolution lacked some of the wording that had initially been proposed.

“It’s way watered down from what I submitted to them,” he said. “I’ll submit it to the state group and they’ll make the final decision if they consider it to be enough to say ‘Floyd County supports it’ to use it for the state run. If not, I guess we’ll give it another run to see what we can do.”

The state group is Indiana 2A. The goal is to galvanize enough support at local levels to make a case before state officials to rebuke any attempts to limit or change gun rights protected by the Second Amendment, Schindler said.


Be sure to check out the entire show above for more news on the 2A Sanctuary front, as well as more stories, including a convicted felon facing murder charges who was released from jail last year after serving just two months for being a felon in possession of a firearm; an Ohio couple who were forced to defend themselves in a bizarre attack on their lives, and an off-duty police officer in New York in the right place and at the right time to save the life of a drowning girl.


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Cam Edwards 11:31 AM | October 21, 2024