
VIP Gold Live Chat- Ed Morrissey & Cam Edwards - Replay Available

It’s been a few weeks since Ed Morrissey and I have had a chance to do one of our live chats for Townhall Media VIP Gold Members, but now that we’re both back from vacation I’m looking forward to sitting down with my friend and Hot Air editor to talk about the state of the 2020 elections, the attempts by Democrats to pin the blame for violence and unrest in Democrat-controlled cities on President Donald Trump, and anything else that’s on the mind of our VIP Gold members.

This is your chance to talk one-on-one (or maybe two-on-one) with Ed and myself, and you’re in the driver’s seat as far as where the conversation takes us. You can join us right here at 1:30 ET today for the live chat, and once the video window is live, just enter your questions in the dialogue box right below the livestream.

If you’re not yet a VIP Gold member, now’s a great time to join and help support the work that we’re doing here at Bearing Arms, HotAir, RedState, Twitchy, PJ Media, and of course itself. You can sign up right now and receive a 25% discount off your membership by using the promo code “LOYALTY“.

Thank you for your support, and Ed and I will see you at 1:30 ET today for what promises to be another great conversation!


Cam Edwards 11:31 AM | October 21, 2024