
VIP Gold Live Chat: Ed Morrissey & Cam Edwards - Replay Available

The 2A was on the table (along with anything else you wanted to talk about) on this week’s live chat for Townhall Media VIP Gold Members with Ed Morrissey and myself. If you missed today’s chat, no worries! The replay is available below! The big topics of the day were:

  • How much voter fraud was there this year?
  • Are Republicans going to control the U.S. Senate, even if Biden gets elected?
  • Is the ATF already working with Biden’s transition team on new gun restrictions?
  • The GOP’s really good election in the U.S. House
  • Everytown for Gun Safety’s really awful election night

If you are not a VIP Gold member, join below so you can watch what you missed and participate in future chats! Use LOYALTY for 25% off!

We’ve had some really great discussions with our VIP Gold members over the last few weeks, and I know today will be another excellent conversation. I hope you can be a part of it next week, but if not, the chat will also be available on demand for our VIP Gold members.
