
Replay Available - VIP Gold Live Chat - Record Gun Sales, Possible Gun Bans, & More

If you are not a VIP Gold member, join below so you can watch and participate today — and in future chats! Use LOYALTY for 25% off!

Get ready for today’s high-powered and on-target VIP Gold chat at 1:30 pm ET with Cam Edwards and HotAir’s Ed Morrissey! The pair will take VIP Gold members’ questions and comments and give an in-depth analysis of the top topics of the day, as well as crack a joke or two whenever possible.

We’ll have plenty to discuss and lots of time to take your questions. The hot topics include:

  • Another month of record-setting gun sales
  • GOP’s post-Trump future
  • Why is ammo still in short supply?
  • Will Virginia ban firearms in its capital?
  • Media’s post-Trump crash

With all the fast-moving developments, our VIP Gold members can get the latest as it happens from Cam and Ed, and we love hearing from our VIP Gold members. This live chat is honestly one of my favorite parts of the work week, and I hope that you can join us this afternoon for a great conversation.

