
VIP Gold Live Chat: Biden Gun Ban, Manchin's Filibuster Plans & More - Replay

Tune in here this afternoon at 1:30 ET for our weekly live chat with Hot Air’s Ed Morrissey and Bearing Arms’ Cam Edwards as the pair take your questions and comments about the hot topics of the day, including:

  • Biden demands passage of his gun ban and more
  • Joe Manchin balks at the universal background check passed by the House
  • the fight over the filibuster in the Senate
  • the crisis on our southern border

I know that Ed and I have plenty to talk about, but the best part of the live chat is getting to hear from you, and I’m looking forward to what promises to be a great conversation.

You’ll be able to access the VIP Gold live chat here at 1:30 ET, and if you miss any of the chat as it happens it’s always available on demand for our VIP Gold members.
