We’ve got a lot of Second Amendment news to cover on this week’s VIP Gold live chat with Hot Air’s Ed Morrissey and Cam Edwards, from the Senate Judiciary Committee’s confirmation hearing for ATF nominee and gun control activist David Chipman to the resounding success by 2A activists in getting Constitutional Carry and Second Amendment Sanctuary legislation across the finish line in the Texas legislature this week.
Plus, Ed’s been covering the rising crime and the disappearing police force in Minneapolis, Minnesota as well as Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s endorsement of another piece of legislation that will block cities from defunding their local police departments.
Ultimately though, it’s your chance to lead the conversation, so join us at 1:30 ET here to talk about whatever’s on your mind! And if you miss any of the live chat as it happens, it’ll be available on demand along with all of the other VIP Gold live chats from Townhall Media!