
Gun Bans, Gun Sales, 2A Sanctuaries, & More: VIP Gold Live Chat - Replay Available

My friend and colleague Ed Morrissey from Hot Air won’t be joining the chat today, but I’ll still be answering your questions and comments starting at 1:30 ET this afternoon, when we kick off our weekly live chat with VIP Gold members of Townhall Media.

There’s plenty to talk about, and the discussion doesn’t have to remain centered on the Second Amendment, but here are a few 2A-related topics that have been on my mind:

  • St. Louis’ lawsuit over Missouri’s 2A Preservation Act
  • More than 100,000 public comments submitted responding to the ATF’s new proposed rules on frames, receivers, and braces
  • Oakland’s police chief wanted “good witnesses”, not armed citizens. Now it looks like he’ll have fewer officers on the force as well.
  • Is ammo coming back?

If you miss any of the chat as it happens, the replay is always available on demand for our VIP Gold subscribers. We’ll see you at 1:30 ET this afternoon for what promises to be another great conversation!

