
Taliban Gun Confiscations, 2A Court Wins, & More - VIP Gold Live Chat - Replay Available

There’s a lot to talk about in this week’s VIP Gold Live Chat with HotAir’s Ed Morrissey and myself. We could spend the entire hour just on Afghanistan and the Taliban takeover, but there are some other big stories out there to discuss, including:

  • Supreme Court setting a date for oral arguments in the New York carry case
  • Where’s the David Chipman nomination going?
  • Are we heading for more COVID lockdowns?
  • Democrats sue to block California recall election
  • ATF sued after designating a trigger as a machine gun

Of course, Ed and I are happy to talk about whatever’s on your mind as well, but you’ll need to join us at 1:30 ET right here if you want to be a part of the conversation. If you can’t make the chat live for whatever reason, you can always catch the chat on demand at your convenience, but I hope you’ll be able to take part in the chat itself. It’s always one of my favorite parts of the week, and I’m looking forward to hearing what you have to say this afternoon!
