
VIP Gold Live Chat: Texas Carry, The Disappearing David Chipman, & More - Replay Available

Don’t miss today’s VIP Gold chat at 1:30 pm ET with HotAir’s Ed Morrissey and myself! We’ll be taking VIP Gold members’ questions and comments and giving you an in-depth analysis of the top topics of the day.

We’ll have plenty to discuss and lots of time to take your questions. The hot topics may include:

  • Joe Biden’s bug-out in Afghanistan
  • How will we get Americans out of Taliban hands?
  • Say, whatever happened to David Chipman’s nomination?
  • Democrat infighting over violent crime
  • Whatever’s on your mind!

With all the fast-moving developments, our VIP Gold members can get the latest as it happens, but you can also access the live chat on demand if you can’t tune in live. It’s always my favorite hour of the work week, though, so I do hope you’ll be able to take part in the chat today at 1:30 ET.
