My favorite hour of the workweek is almost here! Join my friend Ed Morrissey from HotAir and me this afternoon at 1:30 pm ET for our VIP Gold live chat, where we’ll be taking members’ questions and comments about some of today’s top stories and giving in-depth analysis with a little snark and humor mixed in for good measure.
If you are not yet a VIP Gold member, subscribe today! Use promo code GUNRIGHTS at checkout for a 25% discount on your subscription!
We have lots to discuss, including:
- Joe Biden’s potential SCOTUS pick
- The continuing crisis over Ukraine
- Whoopi Goldberg suspended over Holocaust comments (now there’s a sentence I never thought I’d be writing)
- ATF’s database of nearly 1-billion gun records
- the status of Constitutional Carry bills
- and whatever’s on your mind!
If you can’t join us live you can always catch the replay on demand, but I hope you can make it at 1:30 for what is always a fun and entertaining hour with our VIP Gold members.