
Senate debates, Supreme Court waits, and all your takes - VIP Gold Live Chat - Replay Available

Join Hot Air’s Ed Morrissey and myself at 1:30 ET as we kick around the day’s top stories (and maybe a few off-the-beaten-path topics as well, like last week’s foray into Top Gun: Maverick). I know we’re going to be locked in and targeted on a couple of big 2A news items:

  • The Senate gun deal and whether it can be stopped
  • Is tomorrow decision day in the New York right to carry case?
  • The looming recession that Democrats don’t want to talk about
  • The fallout and defense of Eric Greitens’ “RINO Hunt” ad

And of course, whatever else is on your mind! The live chat will kick off right here at 1:30 ET, and if you can’t join us as it happens, it will also be available as an on demand replay shortly after we wrap up.

It should be a lively conversation, and maybe even a full-fledged debate at times, which is rare between Ed and I. Tune in and take part, because we want to hear what you have to say!
